Performing, Creative Artist & Educator
Pedagogy and Dance Education
"When we drop fear, we can draw nearer to people, we can draw nearer to the earth, we can draw nearer to all the heavenly creatures that surround us."
–bell hooks, Where We Stand
Dance in Higher Education
I continue to invest in the educational development of undergraduate dance majors, dance minors, and non-major students, in theory and creative practice. My experience includes Improvisation, Somatics and Wellness, Conditioning and Alignment, Contemporary and Ballet Techniques, Dance and Digital Technologies, Screendance, Composition, choreography, Viewing and Lecture, and Rehearsal Directing.

I believe...
I am an ever-evolving teacher and learner. I believe teaching requires no shortage of passion, and demands the attentive practice of awareness, engagement, challenge, inspiration, mindfulness, advocacy, flexibility, honesty, and embracing of flow. It is a courageous role; creating space for the vulnerability and humanness of students while honoring my own life knowledge. Yet, the gift of sharing movement, exploring the capacity of the human form, and finding joy together as a community is truly incomparable. My teaching philosophy is rooted in pillars of community, empowerment, and joy.
For a full representation of my Teaching Philosophy and beliefs, please click below.